If you are able to, please stop any medication 3 days before treatment that can increase your risk of bleeding e.g. aspirin, fish oil, ibuprofen (unless advised by your doctor)
Avoid alcohol and caffeine 24 hours before the procedure as this can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.
Avoid exercise 24 hours before.
Avoid using active skincare products e.g. retinol, AHAs/BHAs for 2 days before.
If you suffer from cold sores and are having lip filler, please start taking anti-viral medication 2 days before the procedure.
For dermal filler procedures to avoid dental treatment 2 weeks before.
You can take arnica tablets 2 days before treatment to help with bruising.
Avoid touching the treated area for at least 6 hours.
Do not apply make up for at least 6 hours unless it is mineral based.
Active skincare products can be started after 2 days.
Avoid exercise for 48 hours.
Avoid alcohol for 48 hours.
Avoid exposure to UV and extreme heat [saunas, steam, very hot showers] for 48 hours.
Avoid facials/chemical peels/laser treatments for 2 weeks.
For dermal filler procedures avoid any dental treatment for 2 weeks.